One of the most useful features of Testament is the ability to pull package counts. There are several different reports you can generate in the Reports tab which are very useful for data analysis.

If there’s another dataset you think would be useful to have in Testament, please let us know.

Generate Report – report types

Here you can see the different reports you can generate:

  • Weekly package count
  • Breakdown by state (all time)
  • Breakdown by state (twelve months)
  • Breakdown by prison

Packages Sent Per Week

This is the default report. Here you can see your package output by week. This can let you quantify your productivity on a weekly level. You could compete with other people in your org, even. (We have been busy moving so our counts are low lately.)

You can use this function to total up all the packages you sent in one calendar year, which is nice to have for grant applications or newsletters. You can track how your capacity changes over the years this way.

Package Breakdown by State (twelve months)

Here you can pull a count of packages you have sent to each state in the past year. This can be useful for grant applications, for instance. You might use this to decide if your group wants to focus on some states and exclude others.

Package Breakdown by State (all time)

Here’s the count of all the packages you have ever sent to each state. We can use this data to determine that we definitely don’t need to add Iowa to our service area since we never send books there.

Package Breakdown by Prison (all time)

This report shows how many packages have gone to each prison. We can use this mostly for database maintenance purposes. If a prison has only gotten one or two packages, it might be a duplicate that needs to be merged.